National "who is miggy torres" Day
Hello everyone!
As you may know, the month of March is chock full of exciting holidays! Today is National Puppy Day! Tomorrow is National Chocolate Covered Raisin Day, and Saturday the 26th is National Spinach Day as well as National Epilepsy Awareness Day!
To add to the plethora of March Holidays—which includes Easter for all you Christians out there—the “who is miggy torres” campaign is officially naming March 25th—this coming Friday—as National “who is miggy torres” Day!
National "who is miggy torres" Day, official certificate of designation.
Observance of this humble holiday is simple: Just use the hashtags #WhoIsMiggyTorres or #MiggyTorresDay on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Or, better yet, submit an entry to the “who is miggy torres” Official Snapchat Selfie Competition!
Moreover, consider doing something especially “Miggy” that day and sharing it with the world: Dress with a cool tie! Make your own perfume ad! Make a bad pun! Drink a glass of fancy wine! Write a fugue! Just kidding—real composers don’t write fugues.
We’re super excited for the festivities to begin! Prepare yourselves! And remember:
Let your story breathe; let it take flight.
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Originally published Wednesday, 23 March 2016.